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Friday, April 21, 2017

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Global Education

On this week with a special focus on Education,  our team chose this guide courtesy of +Global Citizen .   The idea of making sure Children Stay in School and showcasing how ordinary faces make a difference every day is at the heart of what our mission is as we do our part to help transform the conversation about our World.   

The Global Citizen Guide to Education
Hero Teacher Buys Bikes for Every Kid at School
A first-grade teacher in South Carolina raised $80,000 over the course of three months to provide students with this critical tool.
Argentina Grants 1,000 Scholarships to Syrian Refugees
Argentina plans to open its doors to 1,000 Syrian students over the next five years, granting them full scholarships.
These College Students Gave Back on Spring Break
Some students spend their spring break in Miami. Others go back home. But these Howard University students lent a hand in 13 US communities.
This State Just Outlawed 'Lunch Shaming'
A new bill aims to end a terrible practice — shaming students who don’t have enough food or money for lunch at school.
Meet Sesame Street’s Newest Character
Sesame Street will be joined by a new cast member, Julia, who is breaking boundaries and teaching young kids to be accepting of difference.
Help These Children Stay in School
75 million kids are out of school because of conflict or natural disaster — but there’s something you can do to help.

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