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Monday, December 4, 2017

Notations On Our World (Special Monday Edition): On Money Scams

We just received this at our Virtual Newsroom which we wanted to report on--members of our team have been impacted and we were able to recover but we view this as critical and we hope all are able to take advantage of this courtesy of the team at USA.GOV:

An infographic that explains how to see if you qualify and get a refund.

Learn How to Get Your Money Back!

Were you the victim of a scam that involved sending money using Western Union between January 1, 2004 and January 19, 2017? If so, you can now ask for your money back. You have until February 12, 2018 to file your claim. See if you qualify and learn more about how you can get your money back.
See How to Get Your Refund

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