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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Notations On Our World: On the Clinton Global Initaitive (An #Outsider Special)

We have been following with great interest the proceedings of the annual Clinton Global Initiative.    It has not been as "prevalent" on the news as years past--however the commitments nonethless are quite interesting and we wanted to report on the latest here:

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At the CGI 2015 Annual Meeting today, CGI members continued to announce Commitments to Action, make partnerships, and participate in a range of interactive sessions. Highlights from day three of #CGI2015 include:

Hanne Rasmussen of The LEGO Foundation answering the question "Which rule would you rewrite right now to help fix the inequality issue?" Hear her response.
Mario Batali and Chelsea Clinton engaging leaders from the food security space, including Katie Stagliano, a 17-year old advocate for healthy food access and gardening who won a Clinton Global Citizen Award in 2012.
Neil deGrasse Tyson sharing NASA's groundbreaking discovery of liquid water on Mars with CGI members, right before he welcomed Pepper – the Social Humanoid Robot – to the stage for aconversation on how robots can be caregivers.
In addition, CGI members announced a number of new Commitments to Action, including:
Gap Inc. pledged to adapt and expand its Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement Program (P.A.C.E.) to support the education and technical training of one million girls and womenover the next five years.
DigitalGlobe and the Blue Guardians partnership committed to provide data, tools, technical assistance, and financial support to more than a dozen Small Island Developing States to increase their resiliency to climate change.
Four separate organizations committed to help rebuild earthquake-damaged Nepal by constructing earthquake-resistant hospitals and homes, repairing classrooms and constructing library spaces, and establishing local for-profit companies to develop solar energy systems.
Check out more highlights from #CGI2015, which continues throughTuesday. Visit to watch in real time and stream the sessions you may have missed. 

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